JBM Auto Limited

JBM Auto Limited

JBM Auto LimitedIN flagBombay Stock Exchange
Capital Structure

in mil. unless spec.
Working Capital

in mil. unless spec.
Growth Rates

in mil. unless spec.
Quarterly Revenue

in mil. unless spec.
Quarterly Earnings Per Share

in mil. unless spec.
Quarterly Dividends Per Share

in mil. unless spec.

Company Description

Mr. Nishant Arya
Full Time Employees
Consumer Cyclical
Auto - Parts
Plot No. 9 Gurugram India 122003
IPO Date
Dec 17, 2004
JBM Auto Limited manufactures and sells sheet metal components, tools, dies and moulds, and buses in India and internationally. It operates through three segments: Sheet Metal Components, Assemblies & Sub-assemblies (Component Division); Tool, Dies & Moulds (Tool Room Division); and OEM Division. The company offers auto components, systems, and assemblies, such as BIW parts, including cross car beams; chassis and suspension systems; skin panels; tools and dies for turnkey projects; li-ion batteries and electric vehicles (EV); and pedal boxes, tubular products, and safety critical components and assemblies. It also designs, develops, manufactures, assembles, and sells CNG, diesel, and buses, as well as parts, accessories, and maintenance contracts. In addition, the company is involved in the solar power generation activities; and operates EV charging sites. JBM Auto Limited was incorporated in 1996 and is headquartered in Gurugram, India.