PT Temas Tbk.

PT Temas Tbk.

PT Temas Tbk.ID flagJakarta Stock Exchange
Capital Structure

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Working Capital

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Growth Rates

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Quarterly Revenue

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Quarterly Earnings Per Share

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Quarterly Dividends Per Share

in mil. unless spec.

Company Description

Ms. Faty Khusumo
Full Time Employees
Marine Shipping
Jalan Yos Sudarso Kavling 33 Jakarta Utara Indonesia 14350
IPO Date
Sep 29, 2005
PT Temas Tbk. provides ship charter services in Indonesia. The company operates through Shipping and Stevedoring segments. It also provides shipping management and stevedoring services, as well as engages in domestic and international transportation activities in transporting passengers, cargoes, and animals by vessels. In addition, the company is involved in purchase and sale of vessels and related equipment. Further, it leases vessels, land, buildings, and activities of land transportation and logistics. PT Temas Tbk. was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in North Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Temas Tbk. is a subsidiary of Pt Temas Lestari.