Price/Tangible Book Value Low


  • Id: low_price_to_tangible_bps
  • Type: fundamentals
  • Subtype: ratios
  • Units: ratio
  • Decimal Points: 2
  • Currency Convertible: No


The price to tangible book value (P/TB) is a way to compare how much the market values a company to how much it is worth based on its tangible assets. It is calculated by dividing the current market price of each share of the company by its tangible book value per share (TBVPS). The tangible book value per share is the amount of money that would be left for each share if the company sold all of its tangible assets and paid off all of its debts. Tangible assets are those that can be physically touched or seen, such as buildings, equipment, inventory, etc. Intangible assets, such as patents, trademarks, goodwill, etc., are not included in the calculation. The formula for the price to tangible book value is:
Price to Tangible Book Value = Low Price per Share / Tangible Book Value per Share
Where: - Low Price per Share is R0119, pr_low - Tangible Book Value per Share is R0129, tang_book_val_per_sh