Capital Structure

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Working Capital

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Growth Rates

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Quarterly Revenue

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Quarterly Earnings Per Share

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Quarterly Dividends Per Share

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Company Description

Mr. Gregory K. Hamilton
Full Time Employees
Medical - Diagnostics & Research
Geneststrasse 5 Berlin Germany 10829
IPO Date
Jul 10, 2013
Epigenomics AG, a molecular diagnostics company, focuses on liquid biopsy for the early detection of cancer. Its lead product is Epi proColon, a blood-based test for the early detection of colorectal cancer in the United States, Europe, and China. The company's products also include hepatocellular carcinoma blood test; Epi proColon, a liquid biopsy test for detection of colorectal cancer; and Epi BiSKit, a pre-analytical tool, which provides a set of reagents for the preparation of bisulfite-converted DNA. Its research and development activities identify suitable biomarkers in human tissue and developing and patenting the corresponding in vitro diagnostic blood tests. Epigenomics AG was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in Berlin, Germany.