Beauce Gold Fields Inc.

Beauce Gold Fields Inc.

Beauce Gold Fields Inc.US flagOther OTC
Capital Structure

in mil. unless spec.
Working Capital

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Growth Rates

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Quarterly Revenue

in mil. unless spec.
Quarterly Earnings Per Share

in mil. unless spec.
Quarterly Dividends Per Share

in mil. unless spec.

Company Description

Mr. Patrick Levasseur
Basic Materials
3000, Omer-LavallEe Street Montreal QC Canada H2Y 1R8
IPO Date
Dec 11, 2020
Similar Companies
Beauce Gold Fields Inc. operates as a gold exploration company. Its flagship project is the Saint-Simon-Les-Mines gold property comprising 152 claims with total area of approximately 4,808.95 hectares located in Beauce, Quebec. The company was incorporated in 2016 and is headquartered in Montreal, Canada.

Company News

  • Beauce Gold Fields Trenches Identify Multiple Gold Bearing Bedrock Structures 25 Metres from Historical Placer Gold Channel